Vichy Water – Author's Blog Just another WordPress weblog

July 2, 2013

A Blog on Linda Chorney, Grammy Nominee and Author and Friend July 2nd 2013

Filed under: November 2009 — Tags: , , , — earthood @ 11:38 am

A Blog on Linda Chorney, Grammy Nominee and Author and Friend   July 2nd 2013





reading Linda Chorney book

reading Linda Chorney book



As my world turns and I’m being taken down all kinds of asphalt city roads and country trails along side babbling brooks, it becomes increasingly more difficult to squirrel myself away and tend to this blog which for three years has fueled my imagination and excitement in creating a different kind of voice. A few hundred thousand people a year have visited this blog. I’ll keep trucking here, not as frequently as I’d like. But here I am, a few days before one of my favorite all American holidays, the Fourth of July; I remember past Fourths and  joyous American pursuits of barbecues, fireworks, kindred spirits and our awareness of history; our love of freedom and independence.  Last July, I visited a pre-Revolutionary War cemetery here in Monmouth County. Most of the grave markers were dated before July, 1776. I won’t go into detail at this time  (unless several of you reach out to me) how we recorded a voice from a grave (EVP) or how it rained on us without a cloud in the sky but what moved me the most was my observation that most people interred there never knew America was born. I was saddened; still am.  But back to the Fourth of July and Independence.

I met Linda Chorney nearly two years at Olde Freehold Day when she sang a few songs; our friendship was born. And all through these two dozen months of friendship, I did notice one particular shining quality (among her many) which stood out; a fierce rugged spirited independence; refreshing and admirable. Always sticking to her guns and beliefs. So it is fitting and proper now that  I share some thoughts about independent Linda and a recently published book documenting her emotional journey to the Grammy awards as a nominee.  The book is titled, “Who the F–k is Linda Chorney.” Enjoy the read. Pick up a copy. It’s like a credit card commercial, priceless.



Linda Chorney singing at a film shoot

Linda Chorney singing at a film shoot


with Linda Chorney in front of a magnetized refrigerator

with Linda Chorney in front of a magnetized refrigerator

One more thought. I’ve started a gig  for a new magazine, ‘New Jersey, A Shore Thing.’  Please check out the on line link and my article about singer Christine Martucci.


Just so you know, I just pinched my left arm. I do that often enough when I go through periods of disbelief.  “Hey Mah, look where I am? Writing about Linda  Chorney, a Grammy nominee, singer extraordinaire, and refreshingly honest writer.”  Actually, these past two years, since I met Linda and Scott, it has been a series of arm pinching (I sometimes switch arms just in case.) After all, I’d think much of the time, how can little tall old me really be involved in her lofty music world?

Cut to July, 2011. I love looking back on origins and how people drift into one another’s lives and make differences. Scott found me on Facebook; we became friends; I was a successful blogger. Linda was about to begin a blog. Then Linda was doing a gig at Old Freehold Day (August 2011) so I was invited.  That would be my very first event as a music journalist. It was my first week on the job for a local monthly paper. Life is indeed strange and haunting. After Linda sang, I heard Nick Clemons; first time seeing him too and look how far we’ve come in two years to be close friends also.


Linda Chorney singing National Anthem at Fenway Park (vc Yankees)_

Linda Chorney singing National Anthem at Fenway Park (vs Yankees)


The Book

The Book


My first impressions of Linda were “wow.”  Her personality, stage presence, professionalism, lyrics and wondrous voice radiated. I use these words by careful design; a reason for everything. Afterwards, Scott asked if I’d like to meet her.  “But of course.” We shook hands and I bought her CD, ‘Emotional Jukebox.’   As I was walking away, she yelled, ‘How about a cup of tea one day.’ Another pinch. I knew about being those 250,000 miles away from the moon and now music and this great singer invited me for tea.

A few days later on the balcony at her condo in Sea Bright overlooking the Shrewsbury River, we had our green tea and talked about the world. As her words got caught up in my auditory canal and were processed, I realized what energy, individuality and brashness I had encountered. She said it like it was and how refreshing. I felt like Mikey, that cereal kid on a box. “He likes Linda.” So a rare, precious and beautiful enduring friendship was born.

And with friendship there is loyalty which at this stage of my life, I’ve come to understand is a gift. Linda, Scott and I went on to do an interview for a Monmouth paper. At that time, green tea became boutique bagels from Western Monmouth County, cream cheese with vegetables and water. I was privileged to see the early process in the quest for the Grammy. Another pinch. My new friend was in pursuit of a Grammy; beyond my comprehension. I was learning so much about this new music world I was tiptoeing into. Having listened to’ Emotional Jukebox’ enough times already, I knew it was the perfect fit; she’s that good and has been  doing her music for 30 years all over the world; indeed the paying dues stuff.

More loyalty. A short time later I got Linda to do a special video for Hooplaha because she had just been nominated for a Grammy as an Indie and 51 year old singer. Hooplaha looks for feel good stories. Linda was the poster girl for feel good. The video made it to Hooplaha’s site. Later we did a holiday dinner together with Linda, Scott, grandpa and Rufus and family; her warmth, gentility, depth and humanity emanate just as her sensitivity. By the way, these observations were made by assembled family also. Linda is special.

Speaking of sensitivity, a perfect segue. The Grammy nominations are out and the fire storm of positivity and negativity hit the music world. Linda endures and thrives but not an easy journey. And it is the trials and tribulations and media which shadow box with Linda’s sensitivity and sense of fair play. The journey and her endurance, reaction and experience through the whole process is documented meticulously in the birth of her book; a gift to all of us who care about the complexities and exigencies of the music world.

I’m certainly not the New York Times or Kirkus Reviews but here I am about to say a few words about ‘Who the F—k is Linda Chorney.’  Riveting is a good word to begin with. Anyone with molecular attachments to our American music world is going to be riveted; therefore that means a must read.  Music companies, industry insiders and some journalists are not necessarily nice. I never knew the extent until Linda excited my optic nerve with her home grown writing style.  Often when reading, I stopped, closed my eyes and Linda was in the room with me carefully narrating in diary form her anguish and adventures taking her to the Grammy award ceremony. “She’s so funny, “I thought about her imaginative often silly usage of names of some of the adversaries; a gentle word. I’ll leave Linda for the colorful alternatives. I think I shall never see anything quite like a tree or look at the business side of the music world the same ever again.  Shame on them.

Linda lit my fire and brought me to think that it seems like old times; it’s the 1950’s and the word payola made headlines as the traditional music establishment was reacting against newcomers. Linda is an Indie and damn proud; same as a newcomer. Deja-vu just lassoed me.  Good gosh, nothing has changed. Linda has exposed this not nice industry and media friends of it. Bravo to a courageous and talented musician. And I loved her dirty words utilization and commentary; purist Chorney colorful.  She was talking to me. She reminded me of John Dean (a hero) with her powers of perfect recollection. And  I love pictures and she used them; another evoker of my smiling all throughout the read.

I love hip shooting. I just shot from there. Linda’s ‘Who  the F—k is Linda Chorney,’ is a must read with or without music proclivities. She’s tough and honest and warm and funny; the essence of memorable literature and her book is even a great beach read, under an umbrella or boardwalk. I loved it.


I LOVE LOVE synchronicity and the magic of the universe. So I decide to write my blog about Linda Chorney this very day. Streams of consciousness. And now moments ago, as they shut down Coney Island for fear the Astro-Tower is swaying in the gentle Atlantic Ocean breeze, I realize once again the planets have aligned. I just found out by sheer coincidence that Linda’s book has just been released on Amazon Kindle for the 4th of July!  So here’s a link.

And to Amazon –

If you don’t have a kindle, here is the link to purchase the book.

And if you want to save postage, and you are actually in Asbury Park, you can purchase the book at Carla Gizzi, a funky boutique in Asbury Park Convention Hall.

And I really love this; me being the movie guy and always aspiring to be an extra in a movie; hint, hint. Linda Chorney is in pursuit of making the book into a  movie at this very moment in Hollywood.

And to end this Linda Chorney blog segment  patriotically, check out why Linda was deservedly nominated for that Grammy with her new song and video,“ Martin”     about the beautiful little 8 year old boy taken from us at the Boston Marathon.




It’s still a few days away from the Fourth. I finished my blog about Linda Chorney. I’m sitting here staring into space, looking at a picture of my mother, hanging on the wall behind my computer screen. I’m drifting all over the place; back to Newark, NJ, to places haunted and spiritual, to parks with trees and gigantic sand boxes, to apartment buildings with protruding air conditioners, to memories of trucks hawking Dugan cupcakes, to a Jane Parker industrial bakery, to an old girlfriend in 1967 who told me she was having an affair with a married dentist, to a friend Jonas who just passed away. Sometimes I wonder why I drift all over the place. Sometimes I wonder if it’s not a lesser condition of superior autobiographical memory. Is it a gift or memorex?  I’ve got miles to go and many articles to write.  Wishing all a Happy Healthy Holiday.  Peace Out.









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